For Filipina fitness trainer Lorna Labrador Inciong, the post-Covid-19 pandemic provides an opportunity to continue raising public awareness on the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle, and more importantly, giving the underprivileged free access to workout sessions.
At 55, Inciong remains energetic and shares her fitness videos on social media regularly with the aim of inspiring and motivating people to exercise regardless of their age.
“I do yoga, basic and light exercises curated for children as well as oldies, and I also have advanced workouts for teens and adults,” she said.
Inciong engaged a lot of Qatar residents in her daily online workouts while staying home during the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020, and gained an increasing number of followers and viewers on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Besides the daily routine, she also urges people to eat healthy meals and avoid junk food.
Previously an office employee in the UAE back in 2006, Inciong said she finds sitting all day unhealthy and decided to pursue a career she loves. After undergoing training, she worked hard to get an International Fitness Alliance (IFA) certification.
She said she was ecstatic to receive such an achievement and began to build a reputation, holding a series of yoga and fitness sessions with employees of reputable institutions in the country.
From full-body workout, endurance training and circuit aerobics to weightlifting and cardio exercises, among others, Inciong said she tries to make the sessions easy to grasp for viewers and followers.
During her vacation at her hometown in Mindanao in the Philippines, Inciong said she also finds time to organise free fitness, stretching and calisthenics sessions with people of different age groups, including young ones and her batchmates.
“Some find the exercises difficult but I often tell them to be patient and focus on what they do. If they learn the basics, then it would be easier to move to the advanced stages.
“If I can do it at 55, I believe that they can also do it. I encourage them to make it a habit so they will stay fit and healthy, away from different diseases,” she said.
Since the time Covid-19 restrictions started to ease up and until now, Inciong has been conducting workouts at public parks and places such as Oxygen Park in Education City, Porto Arabia at The Pearl Island, Al Bidda Park, Museum of Islamic Art Park, Katara hills, Old Doha Port and other popular destinations.
“As a resident, I want to help in promoting these beautiful and scenic spots in Qatar, which are also conducive for walking and exercising, particularly during this time of the year,” she said, adding that people can enjoy exploring these destinations while staying active.
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