Gulf Publishing & Printing Company (W.L.L)

(from speeches of the late Sheikh Ali bin Jabor al-Thani the founding Chairman of the Board)

Inspired by a sense of patriotism, a group of good citizens of this generous land decided in 1978 to establish the Gulf Publishing & Printing Company. That decision proved to be a turning-point in the literary life of Qatar, leading to the creation of two great newspapers. The Company and its publications are a practical expression of the hopes and aspirations, values and principles of our country and its culture, which are deeply rooted in the Gulf and Arab world.
It is fair to say that our Company is a cornerstone of the Qatari information media. Since its inception it has been dedicated to reflecting events at home and abroad. Always, our watchwords have been truth and accuracy. We have opened our columns to debate; offered distinguished journalism and useful information. We conceive our publications as offering a stream of knowledge: artistic, literary, political and financial. They are, we hope, a focal point for thought and culture. We maintain a continuous creative effort to serve the country and its citizens, striving to reach new horizons but approaching that task with responsibility, fairness, balance and honesty.
Our work is enriched by the trust shown in us by our readers, to whom we pledge our continuing commitment to the journalistic and technical development of our publications. The Gulf Publishing and Printing Company is anxious to retain and to build on the support of the readers of its sister publications, ARRAYAH and GULF TIMES.
Founded in 1978
Chairman: Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Attiyah
Editor-in-Chief: Faisal Abdulhameed al-Mudahka
Editor in Charge : K T Chacko
On August 7, 1978, the ministry of Information approved the request of Gulf Publishing & Printing Company to issue a Qatari English newspaper named "Gulf Times".
- The first edition of Gulf Times was published on December 10, 1978, as a weekly paper.
- Three years later, on February 22, 1981, the Gulf Times daily was launched.
- The pioneers of Gulf Times in the first year were 12 staff members only, distributed in different technical departments. With the growth in structure, essence and substance, the paper took on more distinguished, experienced journalists to join its task of covering regional, Arab and international events.
- The Gulf Times comprises several sections: editorial, analysis, news, economy, sports, library and archives, technical and local reporters.
- Gulf Times can be contacted on:
Editor-in-Chief: (+974) 44466402
Managing Editor: (+974) 4350473
Editorial section: (+974) 44350478, 44466416, 44466406
Fax :(+974) 44350474
Mailing Address: P.O.Box 2888, Doha, Qatar.
Email : [email protected]

SOME readers ask from time to time about the emblem of the dhow. It represents Fateh al-Kheir, Qatar's first engine powered boat, bought in the 1930s by Sheikh Hamad, former Ruler of Qatar and grandfather of the present Emir. Apart from possessing the first engine, it was the first Qatari owned boom, largest of the traditional craft of the Gulf waters.
On January 19, 1978 the founding members assembled to discuss their remarkable media project and the following emerged from the decisions agreed upon:
- Naming the company "Gulf Publishing & Printing Company (WLL)".
- Preparing the company contracting project among partners, the approval of the interior system and the Company skeleton.
- The members agreed to have the temporary headquarters of the company and the proposed newspaper in Khalifa Al-Rabban building on Gulf street. Arrangements began to furnish offices with necessary equipment.
- The members agreed also to name the company's English newspaper "GULF TIMES" and published on advertisement in the British Press for the selection of an editor.
- A Founding Committee was formed headed by Yousef Kassim Darwish and with a membership of Ahmed Al-Mannai, Nasser Mohamed Al-Othman and Mohamed Saif Al-Madhadi.
- On June 1, 1978 the Company was founded, its contract signed and the required license was issued on August 5, 1978 in accordance with the laws of Qatar, especially the publishing and printing law.
- During the first five months, the task of appointing and recruiting administrative and technical staff began to start the company's press activities. The crowning of this effort appeared with issuing the first English Qatari newspaper "GULF TIMES" on December 10, 1978. The Doha Modern Printing Press participated in the first editions, then the company established its own printing department.
- On August 7, 1978 the minister of information approved publication of the Arabic newspaper "ARRAYAH" to join its sister paper "GULF TIMES". The first edition of Arrayah came out on May 10, 1979.
- Mr. Yousef Kassim Darwish was appointed the first editor-in-chief of Gulf Times and Arrayah. All journalistic work in the Company at the period was carried out by 22 employees. Later on as the organization's functions grew, the company's employees increased to 300.
- At the beginning of 1981, Gulf Publishing & Printing Company began to realise its envisioned aspirations in various directions, when its printing department began commercial work and the two papers, Arrayah and Gulf Times, were developed and enhanced.
- The management of the Company moved from the temporary offices in Gulf Street to new headquarters in Sheikh Ghanem Villas opposite the Centre, while the Arrayah and Gulf Times staff and the printing departments moved to the Industrial Area in 1981, remained there until the end of 1992.
- Commencing January 1, 1993, Gulf Publishing & Printing Company, management and staff moved to permanent headquarters at Al Hilal area, C Ring Road, which was designed to fit the newspaper's needs in a rapidly changing world.
- In December 1995, Gulf Times was converted from tabloid to broadsheet and the content was increased considerably. The paper publishes a wide range of international and local news and is the premier English language publication in Qatar.
Editor-in-Chief : 44350475, Fax : 44350474
Editorial section : 44466406, P.O.Box 2888
e.mail: [email protected]