The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a lot of uncertainty in the world in general and that has affected every one of us emotionally, adding a lot of mental stress.

Integrating powerful meditative practices in daily routine can help people manage their anxiety. It can also alleviate the negative feelings arising from uncertainty.

“Gone are the days when you can simply take one pill or do one workout and expect to be healthy. Today, to be truly healthy, people need wholesome living practices that combine the benefits of meditation, yoga, diet, exercise, and other wellness tools. Wholesome living is a combination of all of this,” says Dr. Kamlesh Patel, co-author of The Heartfulness Way.

Talking about dealing with this unknown factor of ‘uncertainty’ Dr Kamlesh calls upon Heartfulness Meditation as a core solution of everything. Consciousness involves thinking and intelligence. Our decision-making is better if it resonates with a better mental system, thinking faculty, intelligence faculty, and ego; which make decisions.

“When you are worried, or have mood swings, your entire system works differently. What matters is how we respond to these various emotions. Health improves with a simpler mind,” he adds.

“These are lifestyle decisions that can help handle emotional or physical problems like Covid-19. Meditation helps us combat challenges like the pandemic has brought with it in a better way. Firstly, a meditating mind will not be anxious and stressed. Secondly, as you are not stressed, the relaxed state of mind improves the hormonal state thereby boosting the immune system.”


Tips to handle the mental health and emotional issues:


Heartfulness Meditation:

Firstly, we should meditate so that the myriad thoughts that clutter our mind, akin to muddy waters, can settle down. When the mud settles at the bottom it allows the water to become clearer; similarly, the mind with settled thoughts experiences clarity.


Cleansing the mind:

We collect a lot of impressions during our day-to-day interactions that affect us, make us form opinions, and in turn, we condition ourselves based on such opinions. It is imperative that we learn to break this conditioning and clean it out of our systems. Such cleaning enables us to free ourselves from false opinions and significantly improves our relationships.



Thirdly, we must feel grateful about the things we receive in our everyday life, for example, food. Expressions of gratitude bring joy and happiness to our minds. Lastly, sleep is one of the most important elements in managing our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves.




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