The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) on Saturday announced that four of the patients who tested positive for the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) have recovered after being treated at the Communicable Disease Center (CDC).
All the four -a Jordanian, a Filipino, an Iranian and a Sudanese national- have been completely cured and recovered from Covid-19 as per the WHO ( World Health Organisation) and CDC guidelines.
The announcement was made at a press conference attended by Sheikh Dr Mohamed bin Hamad al-Thani, Director of the Public Health Department, MoPH and Dr Muna al-Maslamani, medical director, CDC, HMC.
They also said that most of the Covid-19 cases are in good health and are being monitored constantly.
Sheikh Dr Mohamed said the recovery of four cases confirms the commitment of Qatar’s health sector in allocating necessary resources to treating patients. He also added that the ministry will announce recovery cases as they occur.
“Qatar is well prepared for the situation and we have enough resources and necessary materials to treat the patients. The medical teams are doing all they can to treat the cases and to provide the necessary protective measures. Every sector in the country is cooperating with us to prevent the spread of the virus. We have closed the schools and universities and quarantined some areas so as to limit the spread of the virus.”
Dr Maslamani explained the details of the four recovered cases, the chronology as well as the steps taken to conform to the international guidelines to declare them all recovered from the disease.
“I am happy to announce four Covid-19 cases in the country have been totally cured. The first case was a Jordanian admitted with a sore throat and mild temperature around 38 degrees centigrade. We took the first test which was positive and the subsequent two tests were negative. Now he is totally cured, asymptomatic and doing fine," explained Dr Maslamani.
The second case was of a Filipino who came back from Iran. “The patient had no symptoms but was found to have the virus on screening. The patient had two tests that were positive, on March 4 and March 7. The following two tests that took place on March 10 and March 13 were negative and she has been found to be cured,” continued Dr Maslamani.
According to the official, the third case was an Iranian who came to Qatar on February 21. “He was symptomatic and complaining of sneezing and sore throat. We admitted him and his test on March 8 was positive. We tested him two times on March 10 and 12 and the results were negative and he is totally cured and doing fine now,” she explained.
The fourth case was that of a Sudanese national who complained of cough and was admitted at CDC. The first test was positive as he had close contact with some people who came from Iran and the subsequent two tests on him were found negative.
17 new cases of Covid-19 reported
The Ministry of Public Health (MoOPH) announced on Saturday 17 new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Qatar.
In a statement on Saturday, the ministry said that the new cases relate to the previously discovered ones among expatriate workers who are quarantined. The new cases are receiving suitable care under complete isolation and they all are in a stable health condition, the statement added.
The Ministry of Public Health continues to expand the scope of testing and conduct the necessary checks to trace all possible contacts with confirmed cases. (QNA)