HE the State Minister and the former Secretary-General of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) Abdulrahman bin Hamad al-Attiyah underlined that Qatar has been providing a significant support to the GCC and has been working profoundly to achieve its objectives.

In an interview with Qatar News Agency (QNA) on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the GCC's founding, he said since its inception, the council's career has demonstrated an early awareness of the founders on the importance of collective work based on long-term strategic visions to achieve synergy through understanding and collaboration.

Notwithstanding the menace of the regional and global challenges that faced the GCC states, the GCC has been resilient and constantly present in the regional and global forums at a time the key roles of other regional organisations have either been dwindled or overshadowed, HE al-Attiyah added, affirming that the vision of the founding leaders has predicted the future, laid out the stage of individual action with the isolation of all countries within their geographical surroundings, implying that they strove to broaden the horizons, in pursuit of creating the mammoth Gulf House under the group umbrella for the six states.

He highlighted that the GCC was established in response to the variables the region witnessed, following the emergence of overwhelming challenges that precipitated reunification and has striven to achieve one of the most consequential objectives of a regional or global bloc, primarily the achievement of the comprehensive development through collaboration based the stability climate, within limited strategies, in pursuit of meeting the nations' aspirations and the foremost priority.

In light of this vision, HE al-Attiyah pointed out, the constant presence of the GCC, despite the challenging situation and hotspot events that engulfed the region, the council was capable of keeping abreast of modernisation, thanks to the desire of leaders of the GCC states, along with their understandings that evidently undergirded the shared achievement, affirming that they are strongly aware of the fact that the Gulf nations always aspire to a bigger role of the GCC to achieve more comprehensive integration and consolidation of the basis of a common destiny.

The ceiling of the Gulf citizens' aspirations is high as they still strive to achieve broader achievements, in addition to the current gains the remain one of the foremost challenges in the current stage despite their significance.

HE al-Attiyah highlighted that since the establishment of the council, regional security concerns have apparently imposed their presence on the map of priorities, affirming that the Gulf region enjoys a strategic location, a geopolitical significance and a huge oil and gas wealth, implying that there are exigent imperatives to reinforce security co-operation.

He stressed that the security stability represents the key for any advancement project, as there is no development without stability and tranquility, highlighting that despite the challenges that engulfed the Gulf region, however, the region enjoys security and stability in a tumultuous world that grapples with myriad crises.

HE al-Attiyah also highlighted the numerous priorities in the current phase, including the importance of further enhancing Gulf citizenship. He emphasiaed that citizens should increasingly reap the benefits of collective Gulf efforts in economic, social, and various other fields.

He reaffirmed that public expectations are high and boundless, necessitating comprehensive reforms to fulfill the leaders' visions for modernisation.

Reflecting on the many years since the establishment of the GCC, HE al-Attiyah stressed the urgent need to form a task force or committee with broad authority from the six member states to review and develop the GCC's basic framework. He highlighted the necessity of evaluating successes and identifying areas needing improvement, as periodic reviews are crucial in the modern era.

On his tenure as Secretary-General of the GCC from 2002 to 2011, HE al-Attiyah credited the achievements to the supportive stances and contributions of the GCC leaders. He adopted a collective approach, fostering a team spirit and consultation among officials and experts within the GCC Secretariat. He noted the Secretariat's excellent personnel, who significantly contributed to its success.

He acknowledged the considerable support from His Highness the Father Amir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, who emphasised early on the need for reforming and enhancing the GCC's performance.

HE al-Attiyah detailed the accomplishments during his tenure, which spanned economic, security, military, social, and cultural domains, as well as enhancing the role of women within the Secretariat. Key achievements included the establishment of the GCC Customs Union, the launch of the GCC Common Market, the Monetary Union, and the Gulf Electricity Interconnection. The GCC Common Market, launched in 2007, was particularly significant for its aim to provide equal treatment for all GCC citizens in economic activities, he noted.

Statistics confirmed the success of the GCC Common Market, ensuring freedom of movement, residence, employment in public and private sectors, retirement, trade, investment, property ownership, capital movement, taxation, stock trading, company formation, and equal access to education, healthcare, and social services, he pointed.

On the security front, HE al-Attiyah said that significant milestones were achieved, including the establishment of the GCC Criminal Information Center for Drug Control in Doha in 2008 and the transition from military cooperation to collective defence, with the approval of the GCC Joint Defence Strategy in 2009.

HE al-Attiyah highlighted Qatar's active role in the GCC, from committees work to ministerial meetings, and the crucial leadership support. He reaffirmed Qatar's steadfast support for the Palestinian people and their legitimate national and human rights.

In conclusion, he noted that the recent Israeli war on Gaza has exposed the brutality of the occupation, which has claimed the lives of thousands of civilians, including children, women, and the elderly. He emphasised Qatar's ongoing efforts, led by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, to alleviate Palestinian suffering through humanitarian aid and medical treatment for the injured.

He added that Qatar's positive mediation, in collaboration with Egypt and the US, has also aimed to halt the war on Gaza and facilitate the release of hostages and prisoners from both sides, underscoring the effectiveness and strength of Qatari diplomacy in the region and beyond. (QNA) Page 10
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