No major cases have been reported so far during the Eid al-Fitr holidays at Hamad Medical Corporation's (HMC) Emergency Departments, sources said Friday.
About 900 cases were recorded Friday, on the second day of Eid al-Fitr, including 620 seen at Hamad General Hospital.
Most of the cases were moderate to minor. HMC Ambulance Service also reported no major cases.
Officials said the recent campaign on the need to call ambulances only for emergencies, is paying rich dividends.
About 53% of the cases were people under the age of 40. Most common complaints related to mild gastrointestinal cases.
The median waiting time to meet a doctor at the emergency facility was about 16 minutes.
The Ambulance Services at HMC received a total of 955 calls with 56 calls related to road transport accidents. In addition, the Life Flight Service was deployed to attend to six calls.
“All the cases that were reported on the second day were moderate to low intensity and we were able to reach out to them well on time. There were no serious injuries with any of the road traffic accidents and those involved were well taken care of,” said Ali Darwish, assistant executive director, Emergency and Scheduled Ambulance Service, HMC.
Darwish noted that the public is co-operating well with the guidelines provided by the Ambulance Service which has made the job of the ambulance staff better. He added that the recent campaign on the use of ambulance only for emergency cases has gone down well with the general public.
“Most of the public are aware of the campaign and it is evident in the number of calls for ambulances. The campaign has had a good impact among the public and we are getting good co-operation from the public in this regard,” elaborated Darwish.
The Paediatric Emergency Centres (PECs) under HMC attended to several cases with Al Sadd PEC leading with 921 cases.
Al Rayyan PEC attended to 434 cases and Al Wakra had 310 cases. Airport PEC took care of 180 visitors and Al Daayen had 117 visitors.

Ali Darwish