Ali bin Towar al-Kuwari, the 'Etqan' (Arabic for perfection) 3rd edition researcher and presenter on Qatar TV, gave an interview to the media and said that after the success of the 1st and 2nd editions, the Etqan 3rd edition was a challenge.
Bin Towar said: “We were keen to present the programme in a distinctive form, unlike any other, by focusing on the future and what Qatar will be like, especially its great interest for future generations.”
Bin Towar said that the programme was filmed on three continents. “Asia, Europe and North America, and we reached many innovating companies that led to changing the world, especially those who have partnerships with Qatar. We also introduced for the first time two basic elements, namely 'Etqan', a virtual character in which we relied on AI. He accompanied me in an interactive dialogue between me and him. It was integrated into this edition, and it can be developed during the coming ones.” It represents the second element after the bicycle, which attracts youth and excites them.
Bin Towar valued the programme’s 46-strong work team. “The technical work crew is French, headed by Emmanuel Soler. He is famous in the world of photography.” He added: “The research team, consisting of 14 people focused over a period of 8 months purely on research.” He remembers that the first meeting of the entire work team was last August (2022), where he stressed to them the keenness to highlight “perfection” in all its forms. “So we were filming for approximately 17 hours a day, despite travelling for many long hours.”
He pointed out that the “deep fake” episode is one of his distinctive episodes, as it was a prank for viewers, by presenting famous personalities, like Khaled Jassim, Abdullah al-Ghaferi. He highlighted another feature of the programme by asking whether anyone in the street has a desire to buy and own lands on Mars, and in the virtual world, “which are all worlds that are happening today. We monitored opinions about them, and we also raised 'alternative medicine,' and whether people have confidence in returning to it. It was filmed in hospitals in Korea, where we saw treatments by alternative medicine.”
Regarding digital diplomacy and its role in enhancing Qatar’s international standing, Bin Towar said: "Qatar is one of the first countries to make great strides in the field of IT. The Executive Vice President of CISCO, a leading company in the field, has confirmed that Qatar is the most digital country in the world, as the Internet rate in Qatar has reached 94.1%, which is one of the highest global rates." The preview of this episode in English is available here.
He added: "In the 'Etqan' programme, we filmed for the first time inside Microsoft, in a gesture that this company does not grant to others. This reception reflects Qatar’s soft power and its ability to be effective in international decisions in this sector."
Bin Towar through the filming of 'Etqan' programme has learned closely about what Qatar offers to humanity, and its influential and inspiring role for many Arab scholars who have expressed their desire to be in Qatar as it has a stimulating environment for success and innovation.
Bin Towar confirmed that the programme has received high viewership rates, according to a recent census. "We achieved 40% of what we aspire to achieve, and we aspire to more."
Concerning the challenges, Bin Towar said it was “one of the most difficult seasons he has ever experienced, but with the support of the Qatar Media Corporation (QMC), all these challenges have been overcome."
"The Corporation is a major supporter of the project, to the point that 'Etqan' has become its trademark. 'Etqan' continues to achieve many successes, and by following the programme’s 20 episodes, the direction to the future and the successes achieved will be sensed,” Bin Towar concluded.
'Etqan' programme episodes are being broadcast on Qatar TV at 6pm during Ramadan.

Ali bin Towar al-Kuwari with a robotics research team.

Ali bin Towar al-Kuwari

'Etqan', a virtual character.