Doha hosted the 41st meeting of the executive committee of the Association of Secretaries-General of Arab Parliaments chaired by HE President of the Association of Secretaries-General of Arab Parliaments, Secretary-General of the Shura Council, Dr Ahmed bin Nasser al-Fadala.
During the meeting, several topics related to the operation of the association were discussed, in addition to amending the internal regulation of the association. The attendees lauded the partnership agreement the association has signed recently with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), praising the efforts of the president of the association in this respect. They underscored, during the meeting, that such an agreement would contribute to bolstering the role of the association and enhancing its expertise in curbing the crime and combating the corruption to contribute to strengthening the operation of Arab councils and parliaments, as well as upgrading the capabilities of parliamentarians.
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