Qatar Leadership Academy (QLA) has secured the 2023 Green School Award, reflecting its dedication to sustainability and contributions to environmental stewardship and Qatar Foundation's (QF) commitment to helping build a greener future, a statement said on Sunday.
The selection of QLA – one of the schools under QF’s Pre-University Education – for the Green School Award recognises its holistic approach to sustainable practices, its efforts to instill eco-conscious values in its students, and how it nurtures a sustainable educational environment.
The Green School Award was presented to QLA during the 7th NYC Green School Conference 2023, held alongside the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York City, and accepted by Jameel al-Shammari, director general, QLA.
Al-Shammari said: “This achievement serves as a resounding testament to the unwavering commitment demonstrated by our students, staff, and the entire Qatar Leadership Academy community in championing sustainability.
"The receipt of the Green School Award marks a significant moment of pride and accomplishment for Qatar Leadership Academy, symbolising the culmination of our relentless dedication to fostering environmental awareness and nurturing a culture deeply rooted in sustainability. The award shines a spotlight on the tireless endeavours of our school in executing a wide-ranging spectrum of green initiatives, from conserving energy and water resources to reducing waste and championing recycling."
Al-Shammari emphasised the importance of instilling sustainability principles in students and integrating them within QF, saying: "Teaching sustainability is not just a curriculum; it's a way of life and a commitment to the future.
"We believe that nurturing a generation of environmentally conscious individuals is a fundamental duty. Qatar Leadership Academy is dedicated to this cause, and we are proud to align our efforts with Qatar Foundation's vision for a sustainable future."
The global conference saw the participation of 42 countries and featured over 2,000 international schools.
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