UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres highlighted in his speech at the African Climate Summit in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, the enormous devastating effects of climate change on the continent despite not causing this crisis.
"This continent accounts for less than four per cent of global emissions. Yet it suffers some of the worst effects of rising global temperatures," Guterres said.
"Extreme heat, ferocious floods, and tens of thousands dead from devastating droughts, Guterres added, indicating that "the blow inflicted on development is all around with growing hunger and displacement."
The UN Secretary-General affirmed that it was still possible to avoid the worst effects of climate change, but only with a quantum leap in climate action.
He said that the largest emitters of greenhouse gases must lead the way and called on the G20 countries responsible for emitting 80% of these gasses to assume their responsibilities.
"They must also keep their promise to provide $100 billion a year to developing countries for climate support, and fully replenish the Green Climate Fund," the UN Secretary-General affirmed.
He pointed out that "African leadership is also helping to generate innovative green economies anchored in renewable power."
"Now is the time to bring together African countries with developed countries, financial institutions and technology companies to create a true African Renewable Energy Alliance," he added.
The Secretary-General referred to the summit that will be held at the end of this month in preparation for the 28th session of the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 scheduled for later in the year.
He said the summit aims to summon the worlds attention and committed action to climate change, and the need to support developing countries as they transition to a renewable future.
Guterres stressed the need for all nations "to stand as one in defence of our only home. Lets deliver the climate justice that Africans, the world, and the planet we share, demand and deserve."
The first-ever African Climate Summit of its kind began on Monday in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, which aims to make the continent an emerging power in the field of renewable energy and call for allocating international financial aid to it to benefit from the resources and skills available to it. (QNA)
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