Qatar University (QU) recently organised a stimulating research paper discussion on “Economic Education to Treat Inflation in the Qatari Market.” Ali Jassim Hosni, Mohamed Safadi, and Mohamed al-Emadi, students at the College of Business at QU, presented the research paper. The principal researcher, Dr Abdelazeem Sabry Abdelazeem, assistant professor at the Deanship of General Studies, Core Curriculum Programme (CCP), QU, led the discussion.
The primary objective of this research was to equip undergraduate students with the necessary skills to effectively tackle economic challenges and combat inflation both locally and globally. In light of the Qatar National Vision 2030, which envisions a competitive and diversified economy, this study aims to contribute to the Economic Development Index by instilling Economic Education in the next generation of Qatari professionals.
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 brought about numerous economic challenges, including rising inflation rates worldwide. The researchers emphasised the importance of economic education in addressing the causes and consequences of inflation effectively. It was noted that inflation not only disrupts productive capacities and causes financial instability but also hinders economic development and affects the standard of living of the population.
The research yielded encouraging results, with all respondents acknowledging the significance of economic education in combating inflation in the Qatari market. The participants stressed the need for wise consumption, savings, investment, and responsible media involvement to raise awareness about the risks of inflation. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of incorporating Economic Education into the university curricula and training faculty members to educate students about economic challenges and the national product.
This research serves as a valuable resource for educational policymakers at QU and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to prepare the next generation with essential economic skills. Moreover, it provides researchers with valuable insights into the concept of Economic Education and its application to students.
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