In order to expedite appointments at various hospitals under Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), a decentralised system has been set up, Nasser al-Naimi, deputy chief, Quality for Centre for Patient Experience and Staff Engagement, and director of Hamad Healthcare Quality Institute, told Qatar TV Sunday.
"Each hospital now has its own team for referrals and booking appointments, instead of the earlier centralised facility, and the decentralisation has improved communication with doctors, executives of outpatient clinics and also hospital administration," he explained.
The decision was taken after studying the problem of transfers and booking appointments. Since the past four months, the booking of appointments within a week has increased to 118%. The booking of appointments for patients to meet a doctor within two weeks has increased to 150%.
"Subsequently, we received directives from HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to speed up the mechanism for organising appointments, especially for citizens and residents.
"The plan was drawn up and approved by HE the Minister of Public Health Dr Hanan Mohamed al-Kuwari, and we started the implementation in stages, including evening clinics, after the Ramadan vacation, last week.
"There are 481 clinics in the Ambulatory Care Center with a capacity to serve about 10,000 patients within 90 days. Today, the second phase was launched, and a week later, in the Orthopedic Center with 20 clinics,” al-Naimi concluded.

Nasser al-Naimi speaking to Qatar TV