Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has been featured among the partners with the highest implementation in the mid-year report of the United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Shelter Cluster Yemen.
Rima al-Khatib, relief officer at QRCS’ representation office in Yemen, said: “QRCS’ interventions focus on the activities with maximum benefit for beneficiaries, while complying with international humanitarian standards and considering the work environment.
“Priorities of work include transparency with beneficiaries and accountability among stakeholders, beneficiaries, and the organisation. In its development projects, QRCS takes into consideration the issue of gender and supports continuity in overlapping areas, to ensure no impact on beneficiaries upon the closure of projects”.
Mohamed al-Qudsi, follow-up and evaluation officer at QRCS’ office in Yemen, said: “This selection is the product of great efforts from our personnel, who spend most of their time carrying out shelter projects in many humanitarian tracks and inaccessible areas. QRCS pays great attention to collecting accurate and correct data, is committed to submitting timely results, and has active participation within the national shelter cluster and hubs”.
Year-to-date, QRCS has seven completed and ongoing shelter projects, with a total budget of approximately QR19mn, to meet the basic shelter needs of 132,000 beneficiaries from poor and displaced families in the most affected parts of Yemen.
QRCS’ office in Yemen has been a member of the strategic advisory group of the Shelter Cluster since 2016. It worked hard to build partnerships with donors, especially OCHA’s Yemen Humanitarian Fund, which has been working with QRCS on shelter projects since 2018.
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