Qatar has strongly condemned the attacks on two oil facilities in Jeddah and Jizan in the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar News Agency reported.
In a statement Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered targeting oil facilities and vital establishments a dangerous act of sabotage that contradicts all international norms and laws, and would affect the security and stability of energy supplies in the world.
The ministry reiterated Qatar's firm position rejecting violence and targeting vital facilities, regardless of the motives and reasons.
Reuters adds: The Saudi-led coalition said Aramco's petroleum products distribution station in Jeddah was hit, causing a fire in two storage tanks but no casualties.
The coalition statement on state media said the fire had been brought under control.
The Saudi energy ministry said the kingdom strongly condemned the "sabotage attacks" by Yemen's Houthis, reiterating that it would not bear responsibility for any global oil supply disruptions resulting from such attacks, state news agency SPA reported, citing an official in the ministry..
The ministry stressed that the attacks "would lead to impacting the Kingdom's production capacity and its ability to fulfil its obligations to global markets".
The attacks came as Jeddah was hosting the Formula One Saudi Arabian Grand Prix.
Saudi state media earlier said the coalition had foiled a string of Houthi drone and rocket attacks.
Saudi air defences also destroyed a ballistic missile launched towards Jizan, which caused a "limited" fire at an electricity distribution plant.
Washington condemned the attacks, and said it would continue to work with Riyadh to strengthen its defences while working for a durable resolution to the conflict in Yemen.
"The attacks are unacceptable and have also affected Saudi infrastructure as well as schools, mosques and workplaces" and endangered civilians including US citizens, State Department deputy spokesperson Jalina Porter told reporters on a briefing call.
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