Qatar participated in the 118th Session of the Permanent Council of the Francophonie (CPF), which was held in Paris via videoconference technology and chaired by the Secretary-General of the International Organisation of La Francophonie, Louise Mushikiwabo. Qatar was represented at the session by Qatar's ambassador to France and representative to the International Organisation of La Francophonie, Sheikh Ali bin Jassim al-Thani. The meeting of the Permanent Council of the Francophonie discussed the preparations for the 39th session of the Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie to be held on Dec 10 in Paris. During her opening speech, HE Secretary-General of the International Organisation of La Francophonie focused on the growing insecurity and instability in many Francophone countries, and renewed the call to provide Covid-19 vaccine in a fair manner for the benefit of Francophone countries, and to confront the growing climate threat.
After exchanging views, the representatives of the Francophone countries adopted a decision to establish an external representation of the International Organisation of La Francophone for the two Americas, based in the Canadian province of Quebec, as well as a set of projects and decisions related to the organisation's financial accounts. (QNA)
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