Science India Forum (SIF), under the patronage of the Indian embassy in Qatar, recently launched an educational series, 'Learn with the Leaders', as part of the Teacher’s Empowerment Programme.
The series will be be held on the fourth Saturday of every month, with the first session dealing with 'Brain-Targeted Teaching and Learning'.
Dr Zarmina Hotaki, an eminent speaker, academician and principal of Qatar Leadership Academy under Qatar Foundation, conducted the session.
Dr Hotaki presented the Brain-Targeted Teaching Model and explained that it is not a curriculum or product, but an effective instructional framework based on research. It is designed to assist teachers in planning, implementing and assessing a sound programme of instruction informed by research from the neuro- and cognitive sciences. The model consists of six stages of the teaching and learning process that are referred to as brain targets.
Dr Hotaki elaborated on the six different 'brain targets': Emotional Climate, Enriched Environments, 'Big Picture' Concepts/Concept Mapping, Repeated Rehearsal, Teaching for Extension and Application, and Evaluation Techniques Supported by Brain Research.
The special guest on the occasion Shibu Rasheed, principal, Noble International School, appreciated SIF-Qatar for conducting various training programmes.
Rasheed Shibu enlightened the audience with his talk on how to motivate students.
The programme was attended by 190 teachers from various schools in Qatar. All participants applauded the value addition through this knowledge session.
Dr Zarmina Hotaki, an eminent speaker, academician and principal of Qatar Leadership Academy under Qatar Foundation, conducted the session.
Dr Hotaki presented the Brain-Targeted Teaching Model and explained that it is not a curriculum or product, but an effective instructional framework based on research. It is designed to assist teachers in planning, implementing and assessing a sound programme of instruction informed by research from the neuro- and cognitive sciences. The model consists of six stages of the teaching and learning process that are referred to as brain targets.
Dr Hotaki elaborated on the six different 'brain targets': Emotional Climate, Enriched Environments, 'Big Picture' Concepts/Concept Mapping, Repeated Rehearsal, Teaching for Extension and Application, and Evaluation Techniques Supported by Brain Research.
The special guest on the occasion Shibu Rasheed, principal, Noble International School, appreciated SIF-Qatar for conducting various training programmes.
Rasheed Shibu enlightened the audience with his talk on how to motivate students.
The programme was attended by 190 teachers from various schools in Qatar. All participants applauded the value addition through this knowledge session.