Mall of Qatar (MoQ) is hosting a range of activations in a festive yet spiritual ambience this Eid-al-Adha. MoQ will host Al-Rayyan TV for a special Eid programme with a roaming crew, giving visitors the chance to win a range of gifts and prizes. The show will be for four days from 1pm to 2pm.
Families and children can also enjoy special moments with several mascots greeting people, who can take photos for a memorable souvenir.
MoQ also offers an eye-catching ambience, in addition to a spectacular mall façade lighting and indoor decorations, which assure Instagrammable moments this Eid al-Adha.
At the photo booth in the Oasis area, all visitors can take their own photos that reflect the spirit of Eid and post them on MoQ social media pages to get the chance to win prizes.
The competition will run until July 25, and the winners will be announced after the Eid holidays. All information and details are available on MoQ’s social media pages.
“On this holy occasion, we extend our warm greetings to the people of Qatar. At MoQ, we are happy to share these moments with our visitors and offer them exciting shopping, entertainment, dining and winning experiences. This is our way to thank them and add to the enjoy of this festive season,” MoQ general manager Emile Sarkis said in a press statement.
MoQ continues to follow strict precautionary measures to secure public health and the highest standards of safety for all visitors. In addition, 99% of the mall’s staff and tenants are now vaccinated, making shopping a safer experience.
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