HE the Minister of State for Energy Affairs Saad bin Sherida al-Kaabi Wednesday presided over the annual co-ordination meeting between Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) and the electricity and water producing companies in the country.
The virtual meeting, according to an official statement, was aimed to review plans and preparations to meet expected demand and face the expected challenges for the summer season. Kahramaa president Essa Hilal al-Kuwari, Qatar Electricity and Water Company managing director Mohamed Nasser al-Hajri and senior executives from producing companies attended.
The meeting dealt with efforts to ensure effective and comprehensive plans and preparations, and to ensure that the relevant networks are able to meet the increasing demand and the unprecedented growth, especially in light of the circumstances and challenges facing the whole world. Al-Kaabi stressed the importance of co-operation between all concerned bodies to ensure effective operations, continuous maintenance of networks to ensure their reliability, and secure access to basic services to all regions of the country with the highest quality standards.
"Last year, we faced many challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which prompted all providers of water and electricity services in the country to raise the level of their service in a manner that ensures high efficiency and service excellence. There is no doubt that the coming summer season is one of these challenges. It comes with an ongoing pandemic and its effects on the various aspects of our lives. It also comes in the wake of a dry winter season, which means that we could expect a very hot summer season," he added.
Al-Kaabi hailed the capabilities of Kahramaa and the producing companies and their ability to face various challenges and crises. “Effective co-operation and coordination with production companies in the country has enabled Kahramaa to navigate through the difficulties of the last summer season," said exuding his confidence in the capabilities and competencies of all parties and their ability to overcome all challenges.
During the past year, performance indicators in the energy sector have shown remarkable progress in the quality and efficiency of networks, the speed of dealing with accidents and outages, the reserve capacity in the country, among other factors that ensure security and stability in this sector, and the achievement of strategic resource security. This is in addition to achieving sustainable growth and responsible individual and corporate behavior towards the environment.    
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