HE the Minister of Justice and Acting Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Dr Issa Saad al-Jafali al-Nuaimi issued decision No. 4 of 2021 on training regulations of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Ministry of Justice, and the list was published in the Official Gazette.
The training regulations stipulated that the centre would implement training programmes for judges and their assistants, members of the Public Prosecution and their assistants, and candidates from the Supreme Judiciary Council or the Attorney General for appointment to the functions of the judiciary and the public prosecution. The training programmes in accordance with the regulations will also train legal professionals in government or other agencies, lawyers, attorneys under training, expert judges, translators, court reporters, judicial officers, and any other categories approved by HE the Minister.
Under the provisions of the regulations, the Director of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies approves the implementation of the required training programmes within the competence of the centre. The director can accept the implementation of programmes not included in the annual training plan according to the training requirements and the needs of the authorities, and the training package includes theoretical and practical training, educational materials, accompanying education resources, and rules for evaluation according to training curriculum.
On the issuance of the training regulations of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, HE Minister of Justice and Acting Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Dr Issa Saad al-Jafali al-Nuaimi stressed the importance of this regulations for developing and updating the training system at the centre, explaining that it was taken into account the preparation of the training list the opinions of the stakeholders from governmental agencies and other entities that can benefit from training programmes to meet the needs of the various bodies, by linking the outputs of the training programmes with the needs of the beneficiaries of these programs.
HE the Minister added that the training plan aims to Qatarise the training staff at the centre to benefit from the national expertise in this field, welcoming national cadres who can contribute to the training work at the center.
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