The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) reported Saturday 449 new confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19), of which 421 were from community and 28 from travellers returning from abroad who are subject to quarantine. The MoPH also recorded 420 recoveries from the virus during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases recovered in Qatar to 149,740. All new cases have been introduced to isolation and are receiving necessary healthcare.

Due to the measures put in place by Qatar's government and the support of the public in following preventive steps, Qatar succeeded in suppressing the spread of the virus since its peak in July. However, over the past month in Qatar we have seen a gradual and consistent increase in the number of new daily infections. Additionally, and of great concern, is the recent increase in both the number of people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 and the number of people admitted to ICU with Covid-19.

The data over the next few days and week will tell us more, but these increases appear to be the early signs of a potential second wave in Qatar. For this reason, it is more important than ever that people adhere to preventive measures to cut off second wave before it gains momentum. If numbers of positive cases and hospital admissions continue to increase over the coming week or two, additional restrictions may need to be implemented across the country and we will return to some of the early restriction phases.

With the recent increase in the number of Covid-19 cases in Qatar, it is important for everyone to play their role in controlling the virus by following precautionary measures:

Adherence to physical distancing.

Avoid close contact with others, crowded places and confined closed spaces where other people congregate.

Wearing a face mask.

Washing hands regularly.

Anyone suffering from Covid-19 symptoms should contact 16000 helpline immediately. This is important as the earlier the disease is detected the easier it will be to receive the right treatment and recover from it. Visit the MoPH website for regular updates and new information.

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