* Seven face action for violating vehicle occupancy rule
The Ministry of Interior (MoI) yesterday announced that 164 people have been referred to the Public Prosecution for not wearing face masks in places where they are mandatory.
The authorities have also referred seven persons to the Public Prosecution for violating the rule specifying the maximum number of people allowed in a vehicle, the MoI said in a statement on social media.
Under the rules, a maximum of four people are allowed in a vehicle, including the driver, except when the occupants are members of the same family.
The measures are in line with a Cabinet decision and Decree Law No 17 of 1990 on the prevention of infectious diseases, as well as the precautionary and preventive measures put in place to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the country, the ministry explained.
The authorities have called on the public to adhere to the Covid-19 precautionary and preventive measures in force to ensure their safety and that of others.
The MoI has been issuing reminders to the public on the need to follow the Covid-19 measures through regular messages on social media.
"Compliance with precautionary measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus is your national and moral duty. Please ensure that there are no more than four persons, including the driver, in a car while going out except for (members of) the same family," it tweeted yesterday. "Wearing a face mask protects you and others from the risk of coronavirus and reflects your commitment to public safety."
“Compromising on safety measures against the coronavirus in commercial complexes and public places will lead to an increase in the spread of infection,” the MoI had said in a recent post on social media.
Using a face mask, practising social distancing and keeping the Ehteraz app activated are essential measures to control the spread of Covid-19, the MoI said.
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