The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for health professionals programme at QU-Health recently organised an interactive webinar titled "How are you coping with the ‘New Normal’?".
The seminar aimed to identify the major pressures and emotions associated with facing these unprecedented times due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The free interactive CPD webinar aimed to recognise and discuss the significant issues and associated emotions prevalent in local health professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic, and explore evidence-based strategies that can help in managing energy.
"are facing important emotional stress during the Covid-19 pandemic, including grief from seeing so many patients suffer, fears of contracting the virus and infecting their family members and anger over systems failures. For some, these have caused or exacerbated burnout, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Therefore, there is a strong consensus that immediate and continued action is needed to strengthen the emotional health of clinicians," QU said in a statement.
Dr Suhad Daher Nashif, assistant professor of behavioural and social sciences at the College of Medicine, QU-Health, explained: “During these times, many people have been offered flexible working arrangements. However, medical workers still had to do their jobs and it takes a toll on a person to be there and face this pandemic, then go home and figure out what their new normal is and take care of their own family.”
Taysier El-Gaili, health counselling psychologist at Qatar University, noted: “As the reports of Covid-19 cases begin to ebb, what’s left is emotional trauma and stress. Recovering from the mental toll of the pandemic is going to take time and a collective effort, and it should start by helping those who have been on the frontlines: medical workers.”
“As a community, we need to work together by sharing our experiences and skills, and come to our healing. I think we are all just adjusting and trying to manage the best we can; its efforts such as these CPD opportunities that can equip individuals with valuable tools to help ease some of the emotional burden,” said Dr Zachariah Nazar, QU-H CPD co-ordinator.
The event was specifically designed in response to the challenges identified in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. The event is one of numerous offered to healthcare professionals to support the development and wellbeing of healthcare workers and the subsequent care they provide to their patients.
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