Qatar has affirmed that adherence to international law; good governance at all levels; friendly relations between states and respect for their sovereignty; and the peaceful settlement of disputes have been necessary to spare humanity massive suffering, adding that these as well as principles stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations are of renewed importance, and must be respected and strengthened if the world is to avoid a return to the dark past.
Qatar further emphasised that these principles constitute basic pillars of its foreign policy.
This came in Qatar’s statement, delivered by HE Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani, Qatar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, before the UN Security Council (UNSC) Arria-formula meeting held on the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II (WW II), with the participation of a large number of foreign ministers of the UNCS member states and non-members states.
HE Sheikha Alya said that in the same vein, comes Qatar’s commitment to the United Nations as the most important international organisation and the most prominent platform for co-operation and multilateralism, which the world desperately needs today, as humankind faces the challenge of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic as an unprecedented test dealing with common challenges by strengthening international co-operation for the benefit of humanity.
Contrary to this vision comes the approach of fabricating regional crises and undermining co-operation and solidarity between brotherly and neighbouring countries, with all the consequences this entails for undermining regional and international peace and security, she said adding that this approach is embodied in the illegal blockade imposed on Qatar nearly three years ago without any justification, in a clear and deliberate disregard to the Charter of the United Nations and its principles.
She pointed out that the third anniversary of the cyber hack crime that marked the beginning of this contrived crisis will come on May 23.
HE Sheikha Alya added that proceeding from the objective of this important meeting, resolutely addressing policies that undermine international peace and security is a priority for the international community and institutions concerned with the maintenance of international peace and security, foremost of which is the Security Council in accordance with its mandate under the Charter, especially as the world faces this unprecedented threat, of the Covid-19 pandemic, which requires co-operation, uniting efforts, and setting aside differences for the collective interest.
She also pointed out that the coincidence of the anniversary of the end of WW II and the anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations is a continuous reminder of the roots from which the United Nations emerged, which represents renewal after destruction, and of the central message of the organisation, which is the pursuit of the common good of all people.
She said: “The phrase ‘We the peoples’ was at the heart of the endeavour to establish the United Nations from the ruins of WW II. The ‘We the peoples’ principle must remain at the centre of our efforts to revitalise the international organisation on the 75th anniversary of its establishment”.
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