The Public Works Authority (Ashghal) has announced the completion of upgrading works on 1.8km of Street 1400 and approximately 1km of Street 300 in Abal Heeran Area. The streets, according to an official statement, have been opened to traffic.
Ashghal has also announced the completion of infrastructure works in the area, aimed at facilitating the commuting and easing of traffic movement in Rawdat Abal Heeran as part of the strategy to improve the road network across the whole country.
Engineer Abdullah al-Sowaidi, project engineer in the Roads Projects Department, said that Ashghal was keen to accelerate works and deliver the project on time in order to serve residents of the densely-populated Rawdat Abal Heeran Area which comprises several educational facilities, mosques and shops. The project also includes providing entrances to the main electrical power station in the area.
The Ashghal official explained that the recently completed works within the project included 2.8km of road works consisting in the upgrade of Street 1400 and Street 300. These are in addition to 2.8km of service roads as well as the construction of four roundabouts providing a link to three main streets to facilitate the traffic movement in the area in addition to integrated infrastructure works to serve the residents of Rawdat Abal Heeran.
Al-Sowaidi added that the infrastructure works that were conducted within the project involved the construction of 3.5km of foul sewer network, 4.9km of surface and stormwater network, 3.3km of TSE network, 0.6km of potable water network in addition to 11km of telecommunications lines and 4km of electricity lines. The newly upgraded streets were also provided by 89 ligh poles as well as road markings and other equipment to improve the road safety.
It’s worth mentioning that the project, throughout its execution period, has achieved more than 1mn and 285,000 man-hour without lost time injury. Ashghal is very committed to workers’ welfare and safety which is reflected in the adoption of strict measures and procedures for site work safety.