Since private schools are offering online classes to their students, there is no need to reduce the fees parents ought to pay, Sheikh Mansour bin Jassim al-Thani, member of Qatar Chamber and its representative on the Education Committee, told Qatar TV Tuesday.
"The teachers are working very hard for up to 7-8 hours a day to conduct online classes. While some private schools were immediately ready to deliver their services online, others have to invest more to overcome the involved challenges and eventually offer such services to their students.
"Offering online education involved some extra cost, time and efforts for many private schools, and most of them are delivering high quality services to their students on a regular basis now.
"Any reduction in the educational fees would certainly affect the continuity of the services negatively, as the schools have to pay salaries for their teachers and staff, as well as rents and other basic costs," he said.
Regarding additional fees and charges, the Qatar Chamber member said each school should co-ordinate with parents and either keep them for the next year or reach a mutual agreement.
He pointed out that the Ministry of Education and Higher Education would eventually issue a statement in detail on such issues, maintaining a balance between the interests of the parents, students and the schools.
However, Sheikh Mansour al-Thani pointed out that some parents would not be able to pay the fees for their children as some lost their jobs or their salaries reduced. Such cases would be dealt with in coordination with the Ministry, and the schools and parents concerned.
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