Do you feel shy of sitting in front of the guests? Do you feel nervous while going for an interview? Do you panic at the time of taking serious decisions? If yes, then it’s time for you to realise that all these feelings and nervousness are just your fear. Though, fear is considered a negative phenomenon but it is the factor that helps you determine your direction. The very first step to build confidence is to realise and embrace your fear. If you have a fear of heights, there must be a reason behind it. Recognise that reason, embrace it and then try to overcome it.
As Robert Frost said, “The best way out is always through.”
Confidence isn’t something that you can read and learn or get through remembering a set of rules, but it is a state of mind. It comes from feeling of being comfortable, believing in your abilities, complimenting yourself, accepting your body and mind. It’s a continuous process of improving yourself through positive thinking, practice, exercise, training and knowledge.

Tools to build and boost confidence:
1. Recognise your strengths and fears: Try to get a close friend or relative and make a list of your strengths and fears. If you can make a list of your achievements, it will be much better. Acknowledging your current status pushes you to get better each day.
2- Build Self-Reliance: Try to know yourself, think independently and make decisions by yourself. Figure out your own reality and try to reduce your deficiencies and replenish your creative energy.
3- Planning and Preparation: Before starting any new journey, take some time to plan it and prepare yourself for the event. Practice through a mock test, visit a hair dresser, consider dress to wear or plan any task to boost your confidence. Invest energy and hard work in your field of interest.
4- Learn and Practice: Reading, learning and acquiring knowledge is the phase with no end. No matter at what stage you are, you still need to be updated. Spend time on reading newspapers, books and articles of your concern. It will help you to speak in front of others confidently. Sometimes, just learning isn’t enough. Practice and train yourself in your field. You must have heard, ‘Practice makes a man perfect.’
5- Think positive: You have to believe in the ‘Law of Attraction’. Helen Keller said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.” Focus on you plus points and highlight your strengths and no one will ever be able to shatter your confidence.
6- Set a definitive target and clear goals: Most people don’t know what they want. If you are not clear about goals, you cannot accomplish them. To build confidence in yourself, bring clarity in your thoughts. Think and create a vision for your future and follow that vision without distraction. If stepping backwards helps you visualise your target, do it. Know what you want to do.
7- Outline your vision and limitation: Having a defined goal is good but knowing limitation is better. Draw a boundary of space and never let anyone violate it. It helps you take stand for yourself which is a symptom of confidence.
8- Act like a confident person: Your body language represents the inner you. So, act like a confident person, even if your weak and nervous. Open body language, uncrossed legs and head up gives a positive impact to others. Such body poses increase blood flow and stabilises oxygen flow making you calm and relax.

Finally, embracing your mistakes, using criticism in a positive manner, staying cheerful, following the leads of a role-model, stepping out of your comfort zone, doing activities you are scared of and enhancing your experience with each passing day is what makes you confident.
Now, let’s get confidant!

* The author is a consultant in Public Relations and Personality Types. Instagram: @Tipsbyhalahill

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