Dear Sisters,

It’s International Women’s Day tomorrow and usually on an occasion like this, words like feminism and empowerment come up. I want to throw the word ‘sisterhood’ in the mix. I like to think of all women as my sisters and I try to treat them accordingly, no matter what their background, culture or faith is.
I believe that I am the person I am, because other women supported and encouraged me. For that reason (and many many more) I will always support and encourage other women, everyday, not just on occasions such as International Women’s Day.
For such a long time as women, we have been told; “the best one will win”, “the best one or the man will get the job”. It’s almost like from an early age we were conditioned to compete and push each other out of the way, so we could be the winner or the better one. So fearful, that if we support the girl in the classroom or empower the women sitting in the office next door we might lose our place at the top spot. Social media definitely encourages some of that thinking, but thankfully for the most part women are now embracing each other, empowering each other and standing up for each other. The ‘Me Too’ movement was testament to that. We have come to understand we are more powerful when we collaborate and work together, rather than tearing each other down.
These are critical times. The next decade is going to be about women and about education. It’s time to grow our sisterhood, we need safe spots for us to communicate and confide our issues and ideas. We need to create more environments where these sisterhoods do not judge, but instead offer gentle constructive goals.
When a true sisterhood of women is formed, we offer the kind of empowerment that allows other women to empower their own life. That might mean ‘I am going to support you with your career’ or ‘I am going to introduce you to people that will support your idea’, or ‘I am going to post about your event on my social media page.’ The simplest gesture can make a huge impact.
While I was in London in the summers, I joined a vibrant community for young professional females to connect, contribute and grow. This sisterhood was created to encourage like-minded females to share business advice, tips, articles, useful blogs and information to support women in business.
I encourage you to join or create groups like this yourselves, so you can connect with other women with the intention of supporting each other, to be the best versions of yourselves.
We need to create a sisterhood of women who don’t let each other dissolve while we evolve. I believe so strongly in the ability of all women. I am passionate about seeing women using all their skills and talents to live their dreams.
My wish for you on International Women’s Day is that one day you are sitting at a table and someone is telling someone else about all your accolades and achievements and you have to sit back and think to yourself “Wow I really went for my dreams”. I wish you, wisdom, strategy and insight that allow you to be the best version of yourself.

* The author is a consultant and coach. Instagram handle: @miss_shefa,  Website: