Breathing gives and grounds all life. Understanding and working with our most natural instinct puts us well on our way to self-mastery. You can use breathing as a tool to draw in power, regulate your expressions, and diffuse or influence an outcome by changing the air around you. Who is breathing deepest and holding the most steady space is often the most influential in the conversation. Your breath is your most important tool and life becomes easier when you sync with it.
From the moment we are born, a deep and well-circulated breath is the most basic life imprint. As we grow, and the more thinking we do or ‘in our heads’ we become, the more we over-express verbally, and exhaust our exertion. We are socially hardwired to make decisions very high up in our body with our critical minds. Instead of circulating rich, full breaths deep into the bowls of our belly, our focus, and therefore subliminal breathing, tends to constrict as shallow in our chest, shoulders and neck areas.
Bringing this energy back down into the core of your body not only helps you regulate your emotions and decisions, but it also physically circulates oxygen deeper into your body allowing it to start functioning and feeling more powerful. A fresh supply of oxygen will always place you more in control, more in the moment, and
more capable of thinking, acting and attracting something with greater clarity and confidence.
Below are three introduction breathwork exercises. Before you sit for each of these breaths, we recommend getting out any excess energy in your body, like shaking your limbs, hands, feet, or rolling your neck and moving around. Once you settle down, sit upright and elevated with your spine and neck straight and your face, tongue, jaw and shoulders relaxed. Once you become familiar with these breaths, you can practice them with your eyes closed.

Lion’s Breath
Inhale through your nose, and open your mouth wide, sticking out your tongue as far as you can. Slowly release all the air through your mouth, exhaling with a ‘haaaa’ sound, tongue still out. While inhaling, close your mouth and draw in again through your nose. Repeat it at least five times. This powerful breath offers a wonderful, intense refresh and liberation. It is also a great way to wake up in the morning.

Deep Belly Breath
Imagine a sleeping baby breathing deep as it fills up its belly bowl with air, expanding it like a balloon. Try taking one of these deep breaths by drawing in a long steady pull of oxygen, then letting your belly rise before your chest rises, and fall before your chest falls. It may take a few times to get into this pattern, as you may rouse muscles and areas that are not used to it. For extra effect, place the palm of one hand over your belly button, spreading your fingers to expand the length of your entire belly bowl. Have your pinkie extend down your lower abdomen and pelvic region and your thumb extended up towards your solar plexus. Place your other hand over your heart. Take a few nice, big and deep breaths, bringing the expansive air down to your pinkie first and then feeling the rise in the thumb of your heart hand last. Try two cycles of six breaths.

Ocean Breathing
Imagine sitting on the shores of a calm and peaceful ocean, feeling the pull of the gentle waves come in and out around your ankles. Visualise the serene timing of the waves, where nothing is rushed, and everything is in perfect rhythm. This exercise helps sync you with that natural rhythm. Steady your mind’s eye on the tranquil horizon, where the ocean meets a beautiful, clear blue sky. Keep this visual during this exercise.
Begin to take some deep breaths and notice how similar the sounds of your breathing are to the sounds of the waves. Inhale slowly and imagine the water receding out into the sea, drawing more power, and then exhale slowly and imagine the water coming back to crash ashore. Keep strong, steady and slow breaths, channelling the powerful force of the ocean. With your inhales, imagine all that no longer serves you getting swept out to sea and with your exhales imagine all goodness and treasures being brought in or washing ashore for you. Try to keep this visualisation going for a minimum of three minutes.

* The author can be contacted on Instagram @CoCre