Sidra Medicine will host a first-of-its-kind orthopaedic symposium on October 19 and 20 to share knowledge and expertise with colleagues in Qatar and beyond, it was announced 
The Paediatric Fractures and Polytrauma Symposium, to be held in the Sidra Auditorium in the main hospital building, will bring together medical professionals of all levels who participate in the treatment and management of children who sustain multiple injuries and fractures.
Dr Abdelsalam Hegazy, a paediatric orthopaedic consultant at Sidra Medicine and the chair of the organising committee, stated, “The programme is aimed at healthcare providers from different disciplines, to help provide the best care for our paediatric trauma patients. It will combine both interactive and didactic sessions with an aim of providing holistic care.”
Sessions will include lectures presenting the most up to date evidence for the treatment of multiple paediatric fractures, and hands-on skills workshops which will introduce novel surgical techniques for management of breaks to the bone just above the elbow. Workshops will also emphasise the importance of age-appropriate treatment of paediatric femoral fractures.
Dr Jason Howard, Sidra Medicine’s division chief of Orthopaedic Surgery, will join a number of hospital colleagues, and noted international experts including Dr Andrew Howard from Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada and Dr Kai Zieberth from Bern University Hospital for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology in Switzerland. 
“Ongoing learning is a vital part of every medical professional’s development, and as well as the bigger picture it is important to focus on specific areas like paediatric patients who require particular care and attention when it comes to dealing with multiple injuries. Sidra Symposiums bring together experts from Sidra Medicine and beyond to help boost knowledge, technical skills and patient care across different job functions and organisations,” commented Dr Howard.

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