Qatar renewed its full support to the Palestinian people for self-determination and the restoration of all their legitimate rights, foremost of which is the establishment of an independent and sovereign state on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital.
This came in a speech delivered by Qatar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) at Geneva, ambassador Ali Khalfan al-Mansouri at the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, item seven, entitled human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.
Ambassador al-Mansouri stressed the importance of the seventh item on the agenda of the Human Rights Council, underlining the need to participate in it for its importance in documenting and highlighting the crimes and violations of human rights committed against the Palestinian people for more than 70 years, and by the last colonial power in the world.
He added that Israel, the occupying power, is obliged to apply the relevant international laws, treaties, and resolutions.
He considered that the continuation of the demolition of Palestinian homes and the confiscation of their lands as well as the continuation of the policies of Judaization of the city of Jerusalem and the change of its identity, legal and historical status, in addition to the continuation of settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories and the attempts to legitimise them are flagrant violations of international law.
He added that the transfer of Israeli settlers to these settlements is a clear violation of the fourth Geneva Convention and is considered a war crime.
Al-Mansouri stressed that the continued imposition of the siege and the collective punishment policy adopted by the occupation authorities against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip since 11 years ago, have further exacerbated humanitarian situation of which many international reports have warned.