Qatar exerts great efforts to mitigate the consequences of the siege and unilateral coercive measures, in order to maintain the resilience of the country's strong economic performance, sustainable growth and economic and social development, said Nouf Abdullah al-Shammari, member of Qatar's delegation participating in the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.
Addressing the second committee on item (17) on macroeconomic policy questions, and item (18) on follow-up to and implementation of the outcomes of the International Conferences on Financing for Development, al-Shammari said that international trade is a catalyst and an important tool for development and economic growth in a way that is both inclusive and sustainable, and contributes to the realisation of the aspirations of the Sustainable Development Plan 2030.
"In the light of the need to increase international co-operation in the area of investment facilitation for the implementation of the objectives of sustainable development, we commend the important role of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in this area, and in a wide range of areas relating to international trade, investment and enterprise development," she added.
She stressed the importance to intensify efforts to reach common visions that promote global economies, especially with today's economic crises, high unemployment rates and the debt burden of a global economic environment of uncertainty and volatility, mainly in developing and least developed countries.
Al-Shammari also underlined the need to realise the aspirations of all peoples of the world in a dignified life, and the importance of building a rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system that would contribute to sustainable development, inclusive growth and job creation.
She highlighted the report of the UN Secretary-General on international trade and development under the terms of this committee which noted that the promotion of the Doha Development Agenda of the World Trade Organisation was a much-needed boost towards greater policy certainty and enhanced capacity of the multilateral trading system to contribute to the sustainable development.
The comprehensive and sustainable development occupies a priority in Qatar, which sees the development process as a shared approach that respects all human rights and is based on joint efforts among all components of society. "In the framework of our constant endeavour to work globally, in a spirit of co-operation to meet challenges and promote sustainable development efforts, Qatar hosted the 13th session of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 2012," she said.
Qatar will also host a high-level meeting to prepare for ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up on November 18 and 19. She noted that hosting the meeting reflects Qatar's belief in the importance of international development co-operation and participatory responsibility for sustainable development, and its partnership with the international community in this area, noting that Doha hosted in 2008 the International Follow-up Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus.
Qatar will continue its efforts as an active member of the international community in order to achieve prosperity for peoples. "In this direction, we will remain committed to working with the international community to address challenges in all areas of common concern," al-Shammari added.
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