Christopher Reeve once said, “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure, in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” There are several heroes among us who often go unrecognised, because their capes come in colours we fail to recognise. Children with autism are certainly unsung heroes, who are more often misunderstood than celebrated. Dealing with simple, everyday activities can be most challenging to these frequently misjudged, innocent, little victims. However when handled with love and offered the right support, they emerge heroes who can teach us to look at life with a renewed sense of awe.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that causes difficulties with communication, social, verbal, and motor skills. Early intervention has proven to be one of the most effective strategies in raising a child with autism.
Bringing hope to children with autism and their families is the Renad Academy, a specialist school under Qatar Foundation’s (QF) Pre-University Education (PUE); it is a pioneering educational facility and the country’s first dedicated school set up to help children with ASD. Begun in September 2016, Renad Academy teaches children with autism the skills needed to integrate into the community and become productive members of society. Taking a holistic approach, the academy goes beyond inspiring children with autism reach their full potential, to engaging their families through parental support services, and then goes that extra mile to educate the community.
As nations observe the World Autism Awareness Day, Community spoke to Sherri Miller, Director, Renad Academy to learn more about the facilities provided by the school; we also spoke to parents of the young students to get an all-inclusive view. Excerpts:
Why do children with autism need a special school?
Children with autism require specialised instructional strategies and a structured environment to support the success of their education. Setting up the classroom environment and implementing the strategies needed by some children with autism, is best provided in a separate setting. However, some children with autism can receive these strategies in a typical school.
Share with us the aim of Renad Academy and the programme offered.
Renad Academy was developed by Qatar Foundation as a means to meet the needs of children with autism while extending supporting to their families as well. We seek to provide an education to children on the spectrum, using strategies researched to be effective. We also provide a personalised education to the parents and siblings of our students, so the children will make as much progress as possible. We also support the greater community in providing services to children with autism, through awareness campaigns and professional development offerings.
We currently have 24 students; they are in Pre-3, Pre-4 and Kindergarten. We will keep progressively adding the next grade over the years. QF is currently looking at future location options to support this growth.
We have one teacher for every two students. In addition, we have two speech-language pathologists, an occupational therapist, nurse, and psychologist working here full-time. We also employ a parent trainer for every classroom, to educate the parents on how to support their child at home.
It has been an exciting undertaking to work alongside parents to develop this school and I’m honoured to be able to participate with QF to bring this dream to fruition. The parents are eager to get the necessary help for their children and have been extremely positive and receptive to our work.
Brief us on the specialised learning programmes offered.
We use strategies that have been researched to be effective for children with autism including Structured TEACH and Discrete Trial Training. Both of these programmes rely heavily on the use of visuals and teaching using a highly structured, repetitive process based on Applied Behavioural Analysis techniques. We are eclectic in that we also rely on other methods, depending on the child’s needs and learning style. Social Stories, Structured Play, Gross Motor Activities, Sensory Integration, and Calming Techniques are all integrated as needed. We basically have a toolbox full of strategies and use the tool that is the best fit for each child. However, every child is provided Structured TEACH and Discrete Trial Training.
Parenting a child with autism can be extremely challenging. How does Renad cater to this need?
Our work goes beyond students to include each of their families as well. Renad has a very unique programme called the Parent Training Program. Every classroom has a parent trainer, who works with the families to insure they understand autism in general and how it specifically affects their child. Parents are provided with an understanding of their child’s needs and model techniques used at school, to incorporate in the home environment. We provide intense, individualised training to enhance the family’s relationship with their child. Since parent understanding and support are so crucial to the child’s success, we expect every mother and father to participate in 10 hours of training each year for the first two years; this is followed by ongoing support. Topics covered include: using visuals for communication and planning; setting up the home for success; how to deal with challenging behaviour; and sensory input.
Our parent trainers take pride in empowering parents with skills and strategies needed to support their child with ASD. We believe that parental support and active involvement in their child’s education is a fundamental component of our programme, which has been developed with the goal to help the child reach his or her maximum potential.
Our aim is to offer a variety of parental support options through home visits, one-to-one sessions for parents, play trainings, and parent gatherings. The one-to-one sessions are designed to coach, model, and teach parents specific strategies that are being used during the school day so they may be duplicated at home. Every home has individual needs and our goal is to tailor these sessions to support those needs.
Why do children with autism require Structured Play Sessions?
Playing appropriately with toys and interacting with others can often be challenging and uncomfortable for a child with autism. A structured play session is a teacher-led coaching session involving the parent, the child, and a staff member from the child’s class. These sessions are designed to teach parents how to interact with their child so they learn to make eye contact appropriately, wait their turn, share, engage with another child, and play with toys in a typical way.
How do you educate the community on this important subject?
Through Renad Academy, the community receives specialised training in autism to boost the region’s provision of high quality services to those in need. We freely share our knowledge and passion so that all who are seeking services may receive the very best practices todate.
The academy is a pioneer, fostering progressiveness and inclusion in Qatar and the GCC. We open new paths of acceptance, which connects people with ASD.

GOAL: u201cOur goal is to inspire children with autism to reach their full potential,u201d says Sherri Miller, Director, Renad Academy.