The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has won the “best intelligence and operational co-operation award at the Arab, regional and international levels”.

This was announced during the 30th conference of chiefs of anti-narcotics agencies in Arab countries held at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers in Tunisia on October 27 and 28.

The award was achieved through the “distinguished efforts of the Drugs Enforcement Administration (DEA) and its constant collaboration” with different anti-narcotics agencies operating at the regional and international levels, the MoI said in a press statement. These efforts” have resulted in great success” in terms of the seizure of large quantities of narcotics and exercising control over smuggling networks.

The meeting was attended by a number of dignitaries, including delegates of Arab interior ministries, Arab universities, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Interpol, Gulf Co-operation Council, Hemaya, Europol and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences.

The Qatari delegation was headed by Brigadier Amr Ali al-Homaidi, assistant director of the DEA. He received the award from Dr Mohamed bin Ali Kouman, secretary-general of the Arab Interior Ministers’ Council.

Brigadier Ahmad Khalifa al-Kowari, director of the Drugs Enforcement Administration, said the MoI received the prize for the second year in a row, which marked the “great efforts exerted by the DEA personnel along with relevant agencies in neighbouring countries”.

The conference hosted discussions on a number of important issues related to narcotics, including international developments in illegal drug trade, impact on the Arab region and legal action by Arab states to monitor chemicals used in the manufacture of illegal drugs.

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