Qatar Red Crescent Society has  condemned the attack on its Al Sakhoor Primary Health Care Centre in Aleppo, which caused severe damage to the structure and its ambulance.
While no casualties had been reported, QRCS reiterated that such hostility against civilians, relief workers and medics undermine humanitarian efforts in Syria and violate all relevant international treaties and conventions.
As a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which is concerned with the protection of vulnerable people and alleviation of their suffering, QRCS calls upon all parties to comply with the letter and spirit of Article 3 of the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Second Additional Protocol, which stipulate that “the wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for”.
The customary international humanitarian law also criminalises attacks on hospitals, medical units, and transports. This protection is guaranteed by the Red Crescent emblem, which is to be respected.
QRCS began the operation of Al Sakhoor Health Care Centre several months ago to help 100,000 beneficiaries at a cost of $185,000.
The move is part of QRCS’s programme to support the medical sector in Syria by rehabilitating and managing 17 health care facilities in Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Rif Dimashq and Ghouta.
These facilities employ more than 300 doctors, nurses, midwives, technicians, and administrative staff. At least six mobile clinics have been dispatched to remote areas.
QRCS plans to conduct medical projects and activities in Syria with a budget exceeding $4mn (QR14.5mn) this year.
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