Diabetes should not prevent people from driving, however, in certain situations diabetics should try and avoid driving and be aware of the hazards that could occur.

“One of the most hazardous situations for diabetics is the possibility of a big drop in their blood glucose levels when driving. It is therefore important to know the risks and how to overcome them,” explained Lal Malak Derzad, diabetes patient educator at Hamad Medical Corporation.

“People should be cautious if they are on insulin or taking medicines such as sulfonylureas, which causes hypoglycemia. It is also very important for people to be very cautious if they have previously suffered from high or unstable blood glucose level,” Derzad said.

People should not drive If they are struggling with the signs of dropping blood glucose levels or if they have visual problems, which cannot be corrected with glasses or If they experience numbing or weakness in the hands and feet.

If anyone feels the symptoms of low glucose level during driving, stop the car and move to the passenger seat. They must have a drink containing sugar (juice) or sugar cubes, or a sweet to treat hypoglycemia.

Such patients must check the blood glucose levels after 10 to 15 minutes. If the level increases up to 4mmol/liter they should consume a light meal which includes carbohydrates. If the blood glucose levels do not increase, take another 15 grams of sugar before re-testing.

They should not drive until the blood glucose level is back to normal. It might take at least 45 minutes to one hour. People must avoid driving when your blood glucose levels are high or unstable.

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