Croatia’s Marko Kopljar (2.10m) is the tallest player at Qatar 2015. Right:  Saudi Arabia’s Abdullah Alabbas, at 1.68m, is one of the shortest players at Qatar 2015.

The tallest and the shortest players
As many as 40 players are over two metres tall, topped by Croatian right back Marko Kopljar at 2.10m and Czech Michal Kasal at 2.09m. The Croatian team can count on six players over two metres tall, while Germany, Poland and Belarus on five each.

Only eleven players are shorter than 1.80m, and this ranking is clearly “topped” by Saudi players: Mohamed Allabas (1.65m) and Abdullah Alabbas and Aboullah Alhulaili at 1.68m.

Tallest players at Qatar 2015:
2.10m: Marko Kopljar (CRO)
2.09m: Michal Kasal (CZE)
2.08m: Kamil Syprzak (POL)
2.06m: Borja Vidal (QAT)
2.04m: Janko Bozovic (AUT), Marco Oneto (CHI), Jakov Gojun (CRO), Erik Schmidt (GER)
2.03m: Viascheslau Shumak (BLR), Luka Stepanic (CRO), Igor Vori (CRO), Henrik Pekeler (GER), jens Schöngarth (GER), Piotr Chrapkowski (POL)
2.02m: Nikola Prce (BIH), Vladimir Vranjes (BIH)

Shortest players at Qatar 2015:
1.65m: Mohamed Allabas (KSA)
1.68m: Abdullah Alabbas (KSA), Aboullah Alhulaili (KSA)
1.70m: Benjamin Callejas (CHI),
1.75m: Sebastian Ceballos (CHI)
1.76m: Ehsan Abouei (IRI)
1.77m: Ahmed Hazazi (KSA), Abdulla al-Karbi (QAT),
1.78m: Ayatallah Hamoud (ALG), Ivan Brouka (BLR), Ivan Cupic (CRO), Omar Elwakil (EGY), Guillaume Joli (FRA), Eldar Memisevic (QAT), Hamad Madadi (QAT), Lukas Karlsson (SWE)
1.79m: Robert Weber (AUT), Zlatko Horvat (CRO), Anders Eggert (DEN), Abbas Alsaffar (KSA), Jaleledinne Touati (TUN)

The tallest and the shortest teams at Qatar 2015:
Germany and Poland have the tallest squads in average with 1.95 metres each, while Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the only teams with an average length of under 1.90 metres. By far the shortest players (in average) are from Saudi Arabia (1.80). They will face both the tallest teams (Poland and Germany) in preliminary round duels.

Average height of the teams at Qatar 2015:

1.95m: Germany, Poland
1.94m: Croatia
1.93m: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Belarus
1.92m: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, France, Iceland
1.91m: Algeria, Brazil, Russia, Tunisia
1.90m: Slovenia, FYRO Macedonia,
1.89m: Argentina, Iran, Qatar
1.88m: Egypt
1.86m: Chile
1.80m: Saudi Arabia

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