Allaying fears over the supply of petroleum products in the Al Shamal area, Qatar Fuel (Woqod) has said the closure of the only fuel station serving the region was a temporary measure which would last only a few days.

To deal with the arising situation, tanks will be made available immediately for the supply of premium gasoline (Super) to customers.

Woqod issued a statement yesterday in response to reports in a section of the local media on a “fuel crisis” in the north of the country and other related issues in the wake of  the closure of the fuel station  for renovation.

“Woqod has shut down the existing station in light of the urgent need to carry out critical maintenance work required for public safety and better conservation of the local environment from any potential contamination or pollution hazards.”

Further, Woqod pointed out that the “specialised authority understood this special circumstance and the temporary nature of these procedures, while the opening of the full-services mobile station is expected very soon, in a matter of a few days”.

Special umbrellas will also be provided to protect drivers working under the sun.

Woqod is studying the actual need for tanks in the area. “If it is found that there is a need for extended availability for over 12 hours, Woqod will not hesitate to provide so. In this case, the tanks’ availability will be extended for additional hours, especially to avoid congestion.”

Clarifying doubts on the safety of these procedures, Woqod has assured the public that there were  no dangers associated with the supply through tanks because they are equipped with the necessary tools  for ensuring safety, security and dealing with gas emissions. “So, there is no danger in such procedures, which are also adopted at different project sites within Qatar, where tanks are used for supply.”

Woqod has reassured its clients in Al Shamal that their feedback and requests would always be met with due attention at the higher management levels, and that the current procedures were temporary while preparations are being completed for opening the mobile station in a few days.

“The mobile station will include all fundamental services needed by clients, and we hope that our clients will understand this special circumstance, which should be over very soon.”

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