Teachers at a London secondary school have been criticised in an Ofsted report for dressing too scruffily.

Staff at Acland Burghley in Camden are thought to be the first to receive such a reprimand after the schools watchdog warned that it would target teachers who fail to dress smartly.

After a visit to the comprehensive, which specialises in the arts, Ofsted said that some of its teachers wore clothes that could have a negative impact on pupils’ work.

In a letter to the headteacher, Ofsted inspector Mark Phillips said: “Some staff take your lead and dress in a business-like fashion. However, in other cases, teachers’ attire is too casual and does not promote high professional standards or expectations.”

The report pointed out that pupils are not required to wear a uniform, and said there was a “lack of pride” in the appearance of work in schoolbooks and display boards in corridors.

It called on the school to instil “a greater sense of pride in the presentation and quality of students’ work...by example through displays around the school and in teachers’ personal presentation.”

Teachers admitted that some staff have smartened up since reading the report. Business teacher Chris Nicol, 30, said: “I think it’s quite strange but everyone has been very smart recently. Most teachers dress in a business-like way.”

Nicol, wearing a navy suit, a pink and white shirt and dress shoes, added: “It’s difficult to say whether it will have an effect on the children’s learning or not but if it does improve grades then why not? Teachers dressing smartly should inspire pupils.”

But English teacher Jason Uzzell said: “I don’t think the way teachers dress impacts on kids’ learning. Whether I wear a three-piece suit or jeans and a jumper, which I don’t, it’s not to say they’re going to learn more. The most important thing is that we focus on results and attitude to learning.”

Another teacher, who declined to give his name, said: “In my experience, everyone is smart at this school.”

Ofsted announced last month that inspections of teacher training institutions would place greater emphasis on “professional dress and conduct”.

Sir Michael Wilshaw, the head of Ofsted, said that too many trainees were sent into schools without proper guidance on dressing professionally. Acland Burghley has been under extra scrutiny since an Ofsted inspection in September found that it “requires improvement”.

The latest criticisms were made in a report after a visit to check on progress. Headteacher Jo Armitage has already announced that she will step down in August.



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