HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani chaired the Cabinet's regular meeting held at the Amiri Diwan Wednesday.
After the meeting, HE the Minister of Justice and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Ibrahim bin Ali al-Mohannadi issued the following statement:
The Cabinet considered the topics on its agenda as follows: First — The Cabinet was informed of the Shura Council's approval of the following draft laws: 1 — A draft law amending some provisions of Law No 25 of 2015 regarding civil defence.
2 — ...amending some provisions of the tenders and auctions law promulgated by Law No 24 of 2015.
3 — ...amending some provisions of Law No 9 of 2017 regarding the organisation of schools.
4 — ...amending some provisions of the penal code promulgated by Law No 11 of 2004.
5 — ...regarding the nationalisation of jobs in the private sector.
6 — ...regulating district cooling services.
7 — ...regarding the protection of public electrical and water installations.
8 — ...issuing a unified industrial organisation system (law) for the countries of the Gulf Co-operation Council.
Second — The Cabinet approved a draft law regulating travel and air cargo offices, and referring it to the Shura Council.
The preparation of the draft law comes to replace Law No 26 of 2006 regulating air travel offices, and Law No 6 of 2010 regulating air cargo offices, within the framework of modernising legislation to keep pace with developments in this sector, and in accordance with the requirements of international organisations.
Third — The Cabinet approved a draft law regulating health research, and referring it to the Shura Council.
It aims to improve health and therapeutic care, by conducting health research, providing guarantees to preserve the health and safety of participants, and working on the correct application of the principles and ethics regulating health research in its various fields.
Fourth — The Cabinet approved the following draft decisions:
1 — A draft Cabinet decision regarding the controls and conditions for registering private documents at the National Archives of Qatar.
2 — ...regarding the foundations, controls and procedures for classifying documents in terms of confidentiality and the rules for accessing them.
3 — ...regarding controls, conditions and rules for the destruction of documents and archives.
4 — ...to form a committee for the destruction of documents and archives.
5 — ...to form a documents evaluation committee, its work system, and determine the remuneration of its members.
6 — ...regarding controls and procedures for transferring and sorting public documents and transferring archives.
7 — A draft decision of the Board of Trustees of the National Archives of Qatar regarding the conditions, controls and procedures for accessing and benefiting from private archives and documents. The preparation of draft decisions comes in implementation of the provisions of Law No 7 of 2023 regarding documents and archives.
Fifth — The Cabinet approved a draft decision of the Minister of Communications and Information Technology appointing Qatar Postal Services Company as a general postal operator. The decision is prepared in implementation of the provisions of Article 14 of the postal services regulation law promulgated by Law No 15 of 2023.
Sixth: The Cabinet approved draft decisions of the Minister of Justice regarding:
1 — Determine the controls and procedures for accepting and depositing notarised documents before foreign authorities.
2 — Conditions and procedures for submitting an executive copy to replace a lost or damaged one.
3 — Determine the conditions, controls and procedures for transferring the originals of notarised documents, records and documents associated with them from the Documentation Department to the competent court or prosecution.
4 — Conditions and procedures for informing the assigned expert.
5 — Seeking the assistance of a translator from outside the roster of experts.
6 — Controls and procedures for electronic documentation.
7 — Organising the electronic registry of agencies and specifying its data and the rules and procedures for registration therein.
8 — Determine the controls and procedures for organising and preserving records, documents and indexes related to documentation.
The preparation of draft decisions comes in implementation of the provisions of Law No 1 of 2023 regarding documentation.
Seventh — The Cabinet reviewed the memorandum of the General Secretariat of the Shura Council regarding organising private schools, and the views of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in this regard, and took the appropriate decision regarding it.
Eighth — The Cabinet took the necessary measures to ratify:
1 — A memorandum of understanding between the governments of Qatar and Philippines for co-operation in tourism and business events.
2 — Maritime Transport Agreement between the governments of Qatar and Bangladesh.
3 — Agreement on the encouragement and mutual protection of investments between the governments of Qatar and Bangladesh.
Ninth — The Cabinet reviewed the following two issues and took the appropriate decision regarding them:
1 — A report on the results of the visit made by HE the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs to Montenegro.
2 — A report on the results of the participation of Qatar's delegation, headed by HE the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, in the work of the Global Forum on Artificial Intelligence.

HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani chairs the Cabinet's regular meeting held at the Amiri Diwan Wednesday.