Qatar Diabetes Association (QDA) has helped, through a special programme, many people with pre-diabetes avoid developing type 2 diabetes, executive director Dr Abdullah al-Hamaq said.
The initiative features an appropriate dietary programme and exercise for those who are more susceptible for developing type 2 diabetes due to being overweight or obese, unlike in type 1 diabetes, which is due to genetic or hereditary factors, he told local Arabic daily Arrayah.
"Many cases of pre-diabetes are discovered through monitoring elevated blood sugar levels, higher than normal levels. This means that these individuals have exceeded the safe limit for blood sugar but have not yet reached the disease stage. Accordingly, intervention at this time is very suitable to prevent the development of the disease."
During the month of May, QDA received 383 calls from the public inquiring about the services related to diabetes patients, working hours, and how to access these services. These inquiries are received via phone calls or WhatsApp.
He stressed that the necessary services were provided to everyone, helping them manage their medical conditions in a way that suits each case. He also noted that the association receives inquiries about diabetes management through the smart app launched last August, which has become very popular among many people, whether diabetics or their family members.
The vast majority of inquiries are about how to manage diabetes, such as dealing with hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, nutritional advice for healthy eating, and foods that raise blood sugar levels. There are also technical inquiries about how to use blood sugar testing devices properly, or continuous monitoring devices, and insulin pumps.
Dr al-Hamaq further explained that QDA App offers a daily diabetes follow up service by the association's health educators, helping patients receive education and communicate with their health educator whenever needed.
He added that the application ranks first in Qatar among many health applications, which reflects the community's awareness and desire for knowledge and access to reliable sources to manage their health conditions in an organized medical manner. The application is available on iPhone and Android devices under the name QDA.
Dr al-Hamaq confirmed that QDA has about 10,000 members who visit the premises throughout the year. The services include consultations with a doctor, nutritionist, conducting vital measurements and blood sugar testing, and access to a gym.
QDA provides blood sugar testing strips at subsidised prices. In addition, devices and strips are provided for free to some categories, determined by specific procedures and guidelines. The medical team provides guidance and support to diabetes patients for better life, understanding their condition, helping them handle daily troubles they may encounter, encouraging them to monitor their blood sugar levels, and working on regulating and controlling it to avoid spikes or drops, thus avoiding long-term complications.
Dr al-Hamaq also cautioned against the noticeable spread of diabetes over the recent years due to an unhealthy lifestyle, which relies on consuming unhealthy foods and lack of physical activity. Diabetes is not a serious disease if the patient takes care of it by adhering to treatment and a dietary routine, keeping the condition under control, he added.

Dr Abdullah al-Hamaq