In response to the evolving demands of road traffic and vehicle dynamics, the Public Works Authority ‘Ashghal’ has successfully installed Vehicle Restraint Systems (VRS) along 60km on Al Shamal Road.
This marks an imperative milestone in Ashghal’s continuous efforts to safeguard drivers who traverse this vital expressway daily and reduce the frequency and severity of road accidents, the Ashghal said in a statement.
VRS barriers serve as a critical safety mechanism on highways and major roads. Designed to absorb and manage the energy of crashes, they keep vehicles within roadways, play an essential role in enhancing road safety, and reduce the severity of accidents.
Eng. Abdulla Alyafei, Head of Highways Operation & Maintenance Section commented: “As comprehensive safety measures to reduce the risks associated with high-speed travel become more and more important, our goal is to have the rail barriers system operational over the entire 100-kilometer stretch of the Northern Road by the end of 2024.
"Qatar continues to witness rapid economic growth and urban development which puts a pressure on the road network and infrastructure. At Ashghal’s Assets Affairs, we ensure to adopt and apply best industry practices and innovation in transportation safety technologies."
The Road Operation and Maintenance Department employs the latest innovations in road safety and railing technology related to vehicle restraint systems. This includes using high quality materials and design methodologies that not only enhance the effectiveness of these systems but also ensure their environmental sustainability and aesthetic integrity. In addition to routine maintenance ensuring that these systems remain functional and reliable, reducing the risk of failure during accidents and emergencies.
The Ashghal statement added: "With the increase in the numbers of vehicles using Al Shamal Road, adherence to safety regulations and standards is essential. The focus is shifting to enhance the roads’ mobility systems, optimsing driver’s safety by reducing traffic accidents and congestions, ensuring a seamless flow of traffic, saving time, energy, cost, and most importantly safeguarding both lives and property."
Ashghal installs vehicle restraint systems along 60km on Shamal Road
VRS barriers reduce the severity of accidents by absorbing and managing the energy of crashes

Head of Highways Operation and Maintenance Section at Ashghal Eng. Abdulla Alyafei.