The Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) held recently its annual corporate forum to honour its outstanding employees, health centres, departments, physicians as well as medical, nursing and administrative staff.

The annual recognition acts as an incentive within the health sector, with officials having a strong conviction and honouring and supporting the outstanding individuals not only prospers the community but also fosters giving and innovation.

Dr Mariam Abdul Malik, PHCC managing director, said: “As it is well known that over the past decade, the Primary Health Care Corporation has been an example of relentless endeavour toward contributing to the advancement of the health sector in the country, being an innovative corporation centered around community members, with over seven thousand employees responsible for providing comprehensive and high-quality healthcare services accessible to all residents of this generous country, regardless of whether they are citizens, residents, or visitors.”

Musallam Mubarak al-Nabet, assistant managing director for administration and corporate services honoured retired employees. This was followed by honouring “Ataa" group for those who have completed 25 years of dedicated service in PHCC. This annual occasion highlights the commitment and dedication of PHCC employees, extending gratitude to a wide range of talents from the human capital, whose sincere efforts have contributed to making PHCC a leading organisation.

During the forum, outstanding departments were honoured. These included the Information Technology and Communications Department, represented by Tawfiq al-Harbawi, the Occupational Health and Safety Department, represented by Dr Maryam Abdullah al-Muslimani, the Quality and Patient Safety Department, represented by Dr Amal Abdullah al-Ali.

Regarding the outstanding committees in PHCC, Dr Abdul Malik honoured the Innovation and Creativity Committee, represented by Dr Amal al-Ali, the Continuous Professional Development Committee, represented by Layla al-Jasmi, and the Tenders and Bidding Committee, represented by Musamah al- Qahtani.

Three heath centres were honoured with outstanding health centre award: From the northern region: Qatar University Health Centre award received by Dr al- Anoud al- Fahidi, health centre director.

The central region: Rawdat al-Khail Health Centre, award received by Dr Abdullah al-Nuaima, health centre director.

The western region: Al Waab Health Centre, award received by Dr Maha al-Muslim, health centre director.

In addition, al-Nabet honoured outstanding employees from various departments, while Dr Samia Ahmed al-Abdullah honoured outstanding employees from various health centres.

Dr Abdul Malik honoured the team that won the Leadership in Human Capital Development Award, a significant accolade recently bestowed upon PHCC as part of the Qatar Government Excellence Award.
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