The Oncology and Lymphedema Physiotherapy Department at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) organised an awareness programme for patients with head and neck cancer.

Organised for the first time, the programme is aimed at raising awareness and educating patients, healthcare providers and professionals about the different aspects of head and neck cancers, treatment options, side-effects management, functional impairment , nutrition, social and mental support, and recovery care planning.

Dr Abdullah al-Ansari, chief medical officer at HMC and Dr Mohammad Shafi, head of the Oncology & Lymphoedema Physiotherapy Department, Dr Mustafa Khalil, senior consultant and chair of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr Majid al-Abdullah, consultant, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and several physicians and consultants attended the event.

Dr al-Ansari stated: "Enhancing quality should be evident in all aspects of the treatment and recovery process, constantly questioning what we can improve and add, all through dedication and a high sense of responsibility."

The programme was attended by more than 60 patients and head and neck cancer survivors alongside their families. The programme involved discussions between patients, survivors and the medical teams and provided answers for their inquiries about head and neck cancers and related information and created communication between patients and survivors to share experiences and spread hope in defeating the disease.

The awareness programme included presentations delivered by several specialists from different departments including head and neck surgery, radiation oncology, speech therapy, physiotherapy and lymphoedema, and nutrition. Several patients spoke about their treatment journey and the different aspects and expressed their happiness about receiving treatment at HMC and the positive impact of enhancing the quality of their lives. The programme concluded with a panel discussion session to share experiences between participants.
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