Qatar Charity (QC) signed a co-operation agreement with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to support the work of OCHA and the Central Emergency Response Fund. The aim is to ensure the provision of reliable humanitarian assistance in sudden and neglected crises around the world.

The agreement was signed on the sidelines of Qatar Charity's participation in the High-level Strategic Dialogue between Qatar and OCHA, recently held in Doha. The agreement was signed by Martin Griffiths, the under-secretary-general for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, and Yousuf al-Kuwari, the CEO of Qatar Charity.

Al-Kuwari, spoke about the extended strategic partnership between Qatar Charity and OCHA, which includes funding, implementation of projects, exchange of information and expertise, and coordination of humanitarian interventions. He noted that the partnership recently led to the signing of a memorandum of understanding in December last year to support the implementation of quality projects in the most needy regions and humanitarian crises.

He further explained that the signing of this agreement to contribute to the Strategic Financing Programme for 2024, with a value of $10mn to support the work of the OCHA and CERF, is the result of this cooperation. Ahmed Marii, head of OCHA Qatar Office, noted: "This agreement has been the foundation of our cooperation over the past years and beyond. We look forward to further cooperation, strategic partnerships, information exchange, and capacity building for both parties."
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