Cyrine Cherif regained her overall lead after winning the Big Tour class during the 12th round of Hathab at the Qatar Equestrian Federation outdoor arena on Saturday. Riding I’am Moerhoeve’s Princess Z, the French rider clocked 36.12 secs to top the event ahead of Faleh Suwead al-Ajami, who finished second astride Ghana with a time of 36.37 secs. Lara Sakakini astried Hour was third in 40.06 secs. With two rounds remaining, Cherif leads the overall standings by 248 points followed by Mohamed Khalifa Albaker (244 points) and Hamad Nasser al-Qadi (223 points). Meanwhile, Marc Bettinger registered victory in Open Class guiding Dukhan 3 to a flawless round in 56.88 secs. Ghanim Nasser al-Qadi (Bonne Chance) and Hamad Towaim al-Marri (Famous) finished second and third with times of 57.23 and 58.72, respectively.