The Public Works Authority (Ashghal) is going ahead with its mission to adopt numerous initiatives to ensure the highest standards of environmental sustainability in development works.
Ashghal, according to its recent reports, is applying the latest mechanisms and technologies to raise the efficiency and safety of its road network.
In order to achieve sustainability, Ashghal is making use of recycling materials while implementing construction works. The volume of recycled materials and their use in projects reached more than 11mn tonnes, which is about 49% of the total material.
Ashghal, according to the report, has established three strategically located construction material recycling zones, in the North, West and South of Doha to optimise resource efficiency. These facilities became operational in 2020 for processing and recycling projects’ construction waste materials (excavated material, reclaimed asphalt, concrete and demolition waste) instead of disposing them in landfills.
Ashghal’s designated recycling zones have contributed to reducing the distance of transportation for landfill disposal by 60km on average, in addition to reducing the demand for imported construction materials, leading to the reduction of carbon emissions.
Sustainability initiatives implemented in Ashghal’s projects include the recycling and use of rubber tyres as an enhanced material for bitumen use modified with crumb rubber (CRMB) which is used in asphalt mixes, where more than one thousand tonnes of this material was produced in 2023, thereby increasing the stability and durability of asphalt for longer periods of time and reducing noise on the road. The initiative also contributed to recycling older tyres rather than disposing of them in landfills to preserve the environment and achieve sustainability.
Reclaimed asphalt from existing roads is also used before the commencement of development projects and is recycled in the asphalt layers that are paved on new roads and upgraded roads. Last year, 93,000 tonnes of reclaimed asphalt was reused in paved roads asphalt layers. Concrete and extracted materials of excavation and aggregate works are recycled within the construction works of the projects, as 2mn tonnes were used in base layers and 8mn tonnes were used in backfill work and 176,000 tonnes were used as a material for pipe and cable insulation.
Ashghal is using the latest sustainability techniques for road operation and maintenance to increase its longevity and reduce maintenance waste by scanning roads, bridges and drainage networks using the latest inspection techniques to identify any defects prior to it surfacing and conduct proactive maintenance work.
To optimise water usage, water resulting from dewatering is used instead of potable water in projects. This reduces carbon emissions resulting from water transportation and supply and the consumption of natural resources. About 2mn tonnes of groundwater was reclaimed and treated in Roads Projects Department projects in 2023.
Many of the projects have smart transportation systems which can be easily developed and improved in the future. This is with the aim of managing road and traffic networks, thereby increasing the efficiency of the road network, enhancing traffic safety and reducing congestion.
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