Weather inshore until 6:00 pm on Wednesday will be partly cloudy to cloudy at times with a chance of scattered rain, maybe thundery at first and blowing dust at times, the Department of Meteorology said in its daily weather report, warning of expected thundery rain at first / strong wind and poor visibility at places at times.
Offshore, it will be partly cloudy to cloudy at times with a chance of scattered rain, maybe thundery at first, the report added, warning of warning of expected thundery rain at first / strong wind and high sea.
Wind inshore will be northwesterly - northeasterly 10 - 20 KT, gusting to 26 KT at times.
Offshore, it will be northwesterly - northeasterly 10 - 20 KT, gusting to 25 KT at times.
Visibility inshore will be 4 - 8 km / 2 km or less at places at times. Offshore, it will be 4 - 8 km / 3 km or less with thundery rain at first.
Sea state inshore will be 2 - 4 ft, rises to 5 ft at times. Offshore, it will be 3 - 6, rises to 8 ft at times.
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