Qatar’s ambassador to Kuwait Ali bin Abdullah al-Mahmoud said the visit of Kuwait’s Amir Sheikh Mishal al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah to Doha, the first of its kind since he assumed office in December 2023, will strengthen fraternal ties and add a new brick to the edifice of the strong relations between the two sisterly countries, which have crystallised over the years.
In a statement to Qatar News Agency, the ambassador stressed that the visit will contribute to strengthening and consolidating the distinguished relations between the Qatari and Kuwaiti leaderships and pushing bilateral co-operation towards broader horizons in order to achieve the common future goals and aspirations between the two countries.
This visit will witness official talks between the leaderships of the two countries, addressing ways to enhance mutual co-operation for the benefit and prosperity of their peoples, he said, adding that there will be an exchange of views on the most prominent issues and developments on both the regional and international fronts as well as topics of mutual interest. The ambassador expressed the highest appreciation and welcome for the visit of the Kuwaiti Amir, and reiterated that the visit embodies the spirit of love, solidarity and cohesion between the leaderships of the two countries and their brotherly peoples. (QNA)
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