Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q) has launched the Artificial Intelligence Initiative (AI2) focused on meeting the global challenges of AI and making decisive contributions to research, teaching, and professional development in that area.
Launched by dean and CEO Marwan M Kraidy, AI2 is designed to tackle the challenges and potentials of AI as it catapults to the forefront of global consciousness due to recent developments in its capabilities and its unprecedented public availability.
Kraidy said: AI is “a once-in-a-generation opportunity-challenge” that NU-Q, from its location at the confluence of continents and disciplines, is well-positioned to make significant contributions to.
“AI touches upon every domain represented at NU-Q. So we have unique contributions to make to humanity’s understanding of AI, to harness aspects of this technology’s immense potential for humankind that are relevant to our mission, and to develop and deploy critical research, teaching, and professional tools to navigate the uncharted waters of the rapid and unpredictable developments in AI.”
Kraidy said AI2 will position NU-Q as a central player in shaping understanding and application of AI in global higher education and the media and creative industries worldwide. In its formative years, AI2 will include three core strategic elements:
a new joint curricular collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar in media and AI that includes coursework in coding, computer science, ethics, and social impact, currently in development, the AI and Media Lab (AIM Lab), which will drive research efforts on AI and gather faculty members, a postdoctoral scholar, and undergraduate researchers to collaborate on research and organise events; and a professional development component aimed chiefly at staff, encompassing skill development workshops, training exercises, and thought-nourishing discussions.
The AI2 initiative is launched by NU-Q dean and CEO Marwan M Kraidy.