To commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to infuse students with the awareness of equality, fundamental freedoms and justice, MES Indian School observed the Human Rights Day on December 10.
A special assembly was conducted under the theme ‘Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All’ to make students understand the ways to improve the physical, social, cultural and spiritual wellbeing of the vulnerable group of people globally. Students delivered speeches and performed a skit highlighting the fundamental freedoms and rights to which every human being is entitled, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, or any other distinction.
The class choir presented a song on ‘Human Rights’. The participating students raised their hands symbolically suggesting their stand for the cause of human rights, and displayed placards to spread awareness among students.
The school officials spoke on the occasion emphasising the fundamental rights and freedoms that belong to every individual, and underscoring the collective responsibility to uphold and protect these rights. Jency George, Rajesh K S, Kadeeja Beevi and Rajani S N were teachers in-charge of the special assembly.
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